Dark City – Haiku Challenge


Good morning and hello Saturday to all. I hope each of you are well and have a lovely weekend planned. I am on the brink of the flu but had this post planned in and wanted to complete it before hiding under the duvet. 

This is another experiment and this time using Haiku’s. As you will see below I have used three separate ones and brought them together. 

Please let me know what you think πŸ™‚

Dark City

The evil concealed,
Beneath the settled darkness,
Waiting patiently 

For when the light comes,
The horror will be revealed,
And the day haunted

Screaming will ensue,
The hero nowhere in sight,
villains on his throne.


14 thoughts on “Dark City – Haiku Challenge

  1. I liked this a lot! What a great mood, created with so few words. (I’m thinking about having one of my characters speak entirely in haiku’s. Would be quite an interesting challenge. Lol.)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I hope the flu doesn’t bother you for long.
    These haikus are completely inspired πŸ™‚ You have such a gift and I am in awe of your talent ❀ Thank you for sharing these. The darkness they evoke is palpable and captivating! Mesmerizing!

    Liked by 1 person

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