Big heart, little Soul – A 200 word story

Good morning all.

I hope that you are all having a fine and dandy Thursday.

Last week the title, ‘Big Heart, Little Soul’, won the poll. 

This story is much shorter than the previous weeks as I look to make this into a larger thing down the line.

I hope this doesn’t disappoint.

Big Heart, Little Soul

In the surreptitious world where magical abilities are taught and guidance sought, lies a dungeon that no one must enter. Beneath the University of Magicae and Beyond, century long walkways with walls that glisten like crystals and where joyous shadows dance leads to a door ominous and tall. 

It is grey and unappealing, with fibres made out of spells and wood that is visible but not tangible. An indiscernible impenetrable barrier, engineered and powered by the Professors of the land, protects the door from ever being opened. 

A whisper here, a tale there, words of wonder and intrigue from what rested below. For decades the enemy lurked, generations of a family that used subterfuge as a means to an end. Reluctant to reveal themselves and cause a wayward eye, the words they spread travelled from ear to ear, in hope one day one would listened.

A young student with an eye for adventure and a curious mind creeps within the shadows, searching for the truth to the whispers. Blessed with Royal ancestors, her powers knows no bounds, and with the door in sight, the journey began.

For a big heart with good intentions, reveals a little soul with demonic deeds.

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