Supplementary Saturday – Monthly Updates

Welcome to the monthly edition of the Supplementary Saturday post. This week will be looking at the overall month and what it has meant in particular for one certain story. 

I have spoken briefly around the Sibling novel, added information and hints. This month has been hectic for me in terms of objectives at work, busy home life and a need to relax. I set a goal to write at least 1,000 words a day until I had finished the Sibling first draft, be it using a computer, a tablet or the app on my phone Werdsmith. I tend to manage 1,000 words in half an hour to two, but can spread that over the whole day. 

I have managed to achieve that target and the word count up until last night for this month reached……



It has been a great month for writing and thoroughly enjoyable. The characters are a pleasure to write, minus for a few arseholes but we need those too. 

I am not yet finished. Still writing the last act and it’s been up and down emotional wise with the characters but I think I have an ending which will do it justice and lead in to the follow up novel. I have two to three to follow after as realised it has a much wider story connected.

I was hoping to have the first draft finished by the end of January but will be looking at the week after. Once the first draft is completed I’ll be taking a break from it and will allow it to marinate before editing and wil concentrate on reading for a time. 

I would like to thank everyone who has offered support, guidance and humour my way 🙂 You are all amazing. 

Thank you all for the kind comments on The Professor Hokum – Serial Sunday. That will continue tomorrow. 

I have been tagged with answering some questions and wil look to do that over the next week or so. But before I head off, I do have a few questions for my lovely and talented readers out there. 

When it comes to writing or reading, what are your preferred choices? 

Tea or coffee? If so, what type? Loose or tea bags? Coffee pods or cafetière?

I prefer a large tea, usually Tea Bags or a cafetière. I like my tea strong with little milk and a strong black coffee. Dolce Gusto Grande pods are great along with Whittards loose coffee.

Biscuits! I love biscuits. I have cut down on my intake and have lost over six pound in weight so far this year – I will keep going. But what are your favourite biscuits snacks?

I love chocolate Bourbon biscuits. I can rarely ever say no to a ginger biscuit, party ring, jammy dodger or chocolate chip cookie. I love biscuits. If you don’t like biscuits, what’s your choice?

Chair, sofa or bed? Where do you like to read/write?

I write a lot of these posts in bed. I do prefer writing on the sofa or my spacious chair in the living room, tucked up with a drink and a duvet or blanket. Where an animal gets nosy and inquires what I am doing before heading back to my wife, it’s nice to have a cuddle with them.



Who else when the weather is nice likes to take a walk with a picnic and a good book, find a cosy spot and spend time reading?

I do! I do! I do! Can get lost for hours doing that.  

Do you mind music or television on in the background?

I get lost in the moment with background noise. I could be listening to a playlist and when I finally lift my head up from writing I find that I had not heard the last fifteen songs. I don’t mind things happening in the background as i find the more silent the room, the less I can concentrate. Unless it is loud eating or any other annoying noise, I’ll be fine.

Please let me know the answers to those questions (don’t worry I won’t force you) as it would be nice to know others likes. 

Thank you for reading this Supplementary Saturday. I will keep everyone posted on the first draft and please keep an eye out for Serial Sunday.

Before I leave, I will leave with an excerpt. It is raw and unedited but it will introduce you to a character that I have not mentioned in my posts prior. 

It was hot. Not the kind that people used to complain about when the weather in England reached over thirty degrees. It was skin sizzling, dehydrating hot. Any longer out in the heat, and Private Young would have passed out. He was bordering on it when he got relieved of his duty. 

Young bumped fists with the colleague in passing; enthralled by the prospect of a cold shower and a decent sleep. He had no kinship with the other soldiers and had never learnt their names. He had no time for them or any interest in socialising. That could lead to sympathetic stories being shared and their previous lives and loves brought to reality. Private Young could not risk that; even if the temptation to converse was there, his mission would not allow it.

He slid between the large open gates and closed them once inside the land that had been known as London. His uniform clung to his skin, sweat dripping from his brow and splashing against the dry soil. In a matter of seconds, the water had evaporated.

I’m going now to listen to some music, do some writing and relax. Have a great day all.


All written work and photos the property of the Hyperactivepandemonium author. 

16 thoughts on “Supplementary Saturday – Monthly Updates

  1. I’m glad to hear things are going so well for you, and what wonderful guineas, I do miss having guinea pigs. They’re real characters 🙂

    As to the questions:
    I’m so glad to find someone else who calls it a cafetière without thinking it horrible snobby or absurd! lol I’ve got in the habit of calling it a French Press because that’s the American term (American husband). I drink mostly coffee, there are two fantastic coffee shops within walking distance. They each have freshly ground coffee (one roasts in the shop and it smells divine when they do!) between them they have some 25 different coffees, different countries and roasts. I do love variety! 😀

    I use those grounds in a cafetière, I have another cafetière for the tea which is all loose leaf. We’re fortunate that one of the coffee shops also sells really nice loose leaf tea, and there’s another Japanese style one not too too far away that does the best tea I’ve ever had the pleasure of enjoying. I usually drink Pai Mu Tan the white tea, but lapsang souchong is very nice and we’ve discovered blooming teas in the local coffee shop. They’re white with either chrysanthemum, jasmine, or rose. Absolutely wonderful stuff!

    Can you tell I love tea and coffee? lol

    I was a biscuit fiend in England, I adore custard creams, but there’s digestives and hob nobs, and gingernuts, and figgy rolls, and shortbread! I’ve found a local version of hobnobs, and they have choc chip cookies, but everything else is wafer and you can’t really dunk a wafer biscuit it’s not the same. When I do have biscuits then it’s the local hobnobs but they’re more of a nice treat here and there, I’ve cut back to almost no sugar or snacks these days. 🙂

    I work, read, and write in my corner of the sofa. We have a desk, but no desk chair, so it’s covered in candles and other pretty things lol

    I don’t like reading or writing in public, so when I wander I tend to take photos instead. 🙂

    I quite like having music on in the background, especially when writing, it helps a lot. If I don’t give my mind controlled distractions then it’ll wander and find others, which makes things difficult. I’ll put on movies I’m familiar with sometimes too, but that’s more for reading, it can be a little bit much for writing.

    Sorry for the essay, you got me started on the important things, tea, coffee, and biscuits 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I never knew Guinea Pigs had such character until my wife pushed us to have some. I adored them immediately 🙂
      Thank you for sharing and commenting. I didn’t realise that Cafetière wasn’t the universally known term and it is good to know others use it 🙂 The coffee shops sound amazing and I prefer the independent traders rather than the well known branded ones. Variety is key! You have a love for tea and coffee that squashes mine so I am enviably impressed!
      Those I great biscuits you mentioned and I love the choc hobnobs!
      Thank you for sharing so much and loved reading it all! It’s great to know you a little bit more 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s impressive how quickly you’re getting through your Siblings story. I hope that you can make your goal of finishing your first draft. I’ve had to extend my own (I was also hoping to finish edits by the end of January but family and life’s been running me a little thin.
    I love your excerpt! Your writing is so fluid and a true pleasure to read 🙂
    As to the questions…
    I am a coffee drinker 95% of the time, but I recently discovered a white tea bag with an almond biscuit flavour that is just delightful. I have to admit I’ve never heard the term cafetière before. New words excite me – as you know – so I looked it up. I can’t wait for the opportunity to use it now 😉
    I’m not a big biscuit fan, but I do love peanut butter cookies 🙂 Peanut butter in general. On anything. Even my finger 😉
    I tend to do all of my reading in my bed and most of my writing downstairs with my sister on a chair. Those animals are just the cutest things ever 🙂
    I do love walking when the weather is nice, and sometimes I’ll find a place where I can work outside. We have a lovely backyard, though, and in the summer, we sit out all day writing and reading. It’s such a pleasure to be in nature.
    I’m the same way with music. I love listening to something while I’m working, a lot of the time it’s instrumental scores or classical music, but even if I were listening to lyrical music it would all eventually fade to noise because when I get into deep writing, everything else zones out. Sometimes I’ll also play a tv show, but only if it’s one I don’t mind just listening to without paying attention. If it’s a TV show I like, I can’t write at the same time 🙂
    Thanks for sharing these questions. it was fun reading your answers and fun answering in turn 🙂
    Best of luck with all your work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Once the words begin I cannot usually stop them as this story has taken a life of its own and with all the encouragement it’s been amazing! Yeah that thing we must succumb too with family and life can be a hindrance and lovely distraction. We shall get there 🙂
      Ooh I love almond and the flavour of the tea sounds delicious. Yeah that word for others sound really posh but think it’s just a press. Haha.
      Ooh Peanut butter cup from Reece’s?
      Oh sounds nice places to read and write and thank you, I must admit they are pretty cute!
      Aw thank you for sharing so much, it is great to be one with nature 🙂 oh yes I made that mistake putting on a tv show before I liked and got hooked. Thank you for taking the time to read and answer 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Excellent post and congratulations on your progress. It’s most impressive and truly admirable. Also, loved the excerpt and can’t wait to know more about Private Young.
    This may come as a surprise but I LOVE coffee and will drink it morning, noon and night. The mornings I start off with a little bit of cream but as the day progresses, I switch to black. I make my coffee really strong–like, pick me up and carry me across the room strong. However, I do enjoy a good cup of tea in the evening while reading and am a fan of a white tea with a mango-peach flavor. Its quite enjoyable with a touch of honey.
    I love all baked goods–chocolate chip cookies being my favorite. There is a brand of biscuit which I love but cannot remember the name, although, I can pick out the package. Also, know exactly we’re they’re located on the store shelf.
    I’ll read anywhere: bed, sofa, floor, bathtub, car, in lines, you name it. Although reading in bed is my favorite spot next to my oversized chair which is perfect for curling up and reading or writing the afternoon away. But you have to be careful not to get too comfy or else you’ll wake up a couple of hours later.
    Being outside is lovely when the weather is nice. The deck is one of my favorite places to read,write or watch the birds. I used to love going to the local park and duck pond to spend the day when I lived in Virginia.
    I go back and forth with music and background noise-all depends on what I’m writing but can tune out pretty much anything when I get in the zone…the problem is getting there. But have been able to complete a whole short story while a 3yo used me as a jungle gym so I guess I can handle distractions okay.
    Thanks for asking the questions and sharing your answers. Nice to learn more about you.
    Good luck with everything.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement. That excerpt was for you as we mentioned that character the other day 😉
      I would have never have taken you for a coffee person 😉 the tea sounds nice too. I quite enjoy dandelion tea and only a few fruit flavoured ones. Loved hearing about everything else too. Must have been having a 3 year old using you as a jungle Jim. The deck and local pond sound lovely places to go. Thank you for answering and Sharing it means a lot 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Always happen to offer support and cheer you on. I keep my pomp pomp at the ready or the whip when it needs cracking :p Thanks for the excerpt-I’m liking him too 🙂 Happy to share anytime 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m so excited for your Siblings story! I know you’ve heard me say that in a lot of comments, but it’s true and it’s hard to contain my excitement!

    To answer your questions:
    I drink tea more than coffee, but I do love coffee. I like drinking white tea the best (I’m not that into fruity stuff) and I like my coffee with a whole bunch of sugar and creamer in it. I do like everything extremely strong, though because what’s the point if you can barely taste it?

    I’m from Texas and I’ve never heard it called biscuits so I was kind of confused at first, but I get it now. I LOVE oatmeal cookies. Except when they have raisins. And I like anything with peanut butter squished in the middle.

    I usually read and write on my bed but I sometimes write my blog posts on my couch so that I can watch TV at the same time.

    Outside distracts me. There’s always something going on and it’s hard for me to concentrate so I read inside. I AM writing this comment outside though (and it’s very hot so I don’t know how much longer I can keep it up).

    If it’s a really good book that I’m reading, I can zone out everything around me. Sometimes, though, it has to be completely silent. Writing, however, I like having music playing or a movie in the background.

    Thanks for the update on everything! Your animals are so adorable!!! I love learning more about people so these questions were great. 🙂 Congratulations on almost finishing your novel!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much 🙂
      Extremely strong tea and coffee is a must! You need to taste it.
      What do you call them in Texas?
      Ooh oatmeal cookies sound delicious and raisins! Peanut butter is one my favourites too.
      It’s nice to have some background noise but I am the same with the outside too. I feel all
      Uncomfortable with it. Thank you for sharing such insightful information 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We actually just call them cookies in Texas. Everything is a cookie. Where do you live, because biscuit doesn’t sound like something said in the States.
        I could eat oatmeal cookies all day…too bad they aren’t healthy. 😛
        I can mostly tune out background noise, but outside is a different story. It DOES feel uncomfortable, doesn’t it? 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. That’s an incredible word count for one month!! Well done, you, go treat yourself to something yummy.
    I love your guinea pigs, they are so adorable and remind me of mine ❤ I haven't had guinea pigs in years and I salute your cat for tolerating them in her house. It's a very generous cat.
    I prefer tea myself, can't stand coffee, and I like my tea with little milk, too 🙂 Oh, and some sugar. I've had four so far today and will get another later. There's no buzz like a tea buzz!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you so much. It’s a story that is flowing well and do look forward to a yummy treat. Any suggestions?

    Aww thank you, they are lovely little things. My cat does like to investigate but the white Guinea pig milo loves the attention and they often greet each other with a nose nudge.
    I love tea and coffee but tea is the one I go to most often. You must cherish the tea buzz!


  7. I am from England so biscuits are the common name for them 🙂 our cookies are like big circular ones. Ah all the nice stuff should be eaten, unhealthy or not 😉

    It does feel weird and feel paranoid too that I’m getting stared at!


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